Aims and Objectives

Go-Kids-Go - Aims and Objectives

Go Kids Go! is a small national charity and our mission is to enable young wheelchair-users throughout the UK to become independently mobile.

Aims and Objectives
Our primary objective is to equip young wheelchair-users with the skills to help them reach their full potential and also to increase their confidence. The skills and support we offer through our free courses are unique, practical and fun and we believe that it is important to allow parents/carers, siblings and friends to join in with the training, fun and games that we provide. To enable this we carry a stock of spare wheelchairs to our courses and we are always available afterwards to provide advice and support as well as guidance in acquiring the most suitable wheelchair for each individual’s specific needs.

The work we do.  
“Go Kids Go! has a team of highly skilled trainers who, every year, run lots of mobility skills training sessions for young wheelchair-users and their families”.

We also provide training for professionals who work with those with mobility issues. Go Kids Go! also regularly visits schools to deliver our "wheelchair awareness training" which allows the non-disabled peers of young wheelchair-users to experience, and better understand, some of the obstacles which wheelchair-users face on a daily basis.