Make a Donation

Go Kids Go! are totally reliant on fundraising to help more young wheelchair users achieve independence through mobility.

Here’s how you can help:

Make a donation

Go Kids Go! Is a small national charity with just a few paid staff. The money we raise is spent on our life changing training courses for young wheelchair users.

If you can help with any amount, please send a cheque, payable to Go Kids Go, to ...

Go Kids Go, 90 Wilbert Lane, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 0AL



Thanks for your help.

Got any other great ideas?

Contact us Tel: 01482 887163   

Other ways to help us

Organise a fundraising or sponsored event for us. This could be anything from a sponsored run to a cake or jumble sale.

Tell the world about Go Kids Go!..........

We are a small charity and rely on our supporters to spread the word about the good work we do so we can do the same for other young wheelchair users and their families.

•If you or your parents or family know a company or organisation which is looking for a charity partner, or which may be able to sponsor a training course, please recommend us or tell us so we can approach them.
•If you have any media contacts please tell them about us so we can provide case studies and testimonials.
•If you or any of your friends or family have attended one of our skills training workshops please give us your feedback.

Testimonials from our users are great to promote our work to other people so if you would like to be one of our Wheelchair Champions please contact Emily Ellington -