

Safeguarding describes how we protect adults, children and young people from abuse and neglect. It means proactively protecting those who may be vulnerable or at risk of abuse or neglect due to the actions, or lack of action, of another person. Protecting children and adults.

Go Kid Go is committed to ensuring that everyone can enjoy sport and physical activity in a safe environment where they are protected from any form of poor practice, abuse and neglect. Working with our partners, Go Kids Go has developed policies and procedures to support everyone involved in our organisation.  

Download our policies:

Safeguarding policy

Reporting Flowchart 

Training and vetting

While there is Government legislation setting out legal and duty of care procedures, we all have a moral duty of care to ensure everyone has the right to live free from abuse or neglect. Go kids Go aim to ensure that anyone who is in regular contact with children and young people through paid or voluntary roles within the organisation have completed the minimum safeguarding training requirements for their role.

If you have a concern

We are committed to investigate all reported safeguarding concerns or allegations. If you know of a safeguarding concern or allegation, whether it has been disclosed to you by someone else, something you have witnessed or something that has been worrying you, don’t keep it to yourself – always report the concern.

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T : 01482 8871363